- No beauty any more (World Cup Third Place)
- Saving grace (World Cup Second Semifinal)
- The Desolation (World Cup First Semifinal)
- Skills & Strategies (World Cup Quarters Day 2)
- Appalling favorites & fearless goalkeepers (World Cup Knockouts Day 4)
- Last minute twists (World Cup Knockouts Day 2)
- Goalkeeper Gods (World Cup Knockouts Day 3)
- Gotta have nerves (World Cup Knockouts Day 1)
- Late awakening (World Cup Day 15)
- Goals galore (World Cup Day 14)
- Bad mouthing (World Cup Day 13)
- It's getting sweet (World Cup Day 12)
- The Unbelievables (World Cup Day 10)
- Cliffhangers (World Cup Day 11)
- English misery continues (World Cup Day 8)
- European misery continues (World Cup Day 9)
- The Favorites (World Cup Day 6)
- Still waiting for the first draw (World Cup Day 4)
- Rise of underdogs (World Cup Day 3)
- Retribution (World Cup Day 2)
- 2014 World Cup Starter